Security and Screening
We suggest that at the beginning of your visit, you select a place within the Park to be the meeting place if your group becomes separated. You may also want to ensure that cell phone numbers are exchanged. If you do become separated, please contact the nearest Security Officer for assistance. Lost children may be found in the Lost Children's Corral, sponsored by Penn State Health, located in the Family Health & Services Center, sponsored by Highmark, and the Lost Children's Cove, sponsored by Penn State Health, located in The Boardwalk area next to Bayside Pier. In the event your child is lost, notify the nearest Security Officer.
Family Finder Program, sponsored by Penn State Health. Take advantage of this program by visiting Stroller Rental or any of the Lost Children's Areas inside Hersheypark for a complimentary wristband for your child to wear while in the Park. Should you become separated, this wristband, with your cell phone number on it, will help reunite you. The Family Finder Program is sponsored by Penn State Children's Hospital.